Wednesday, November 26, 2014

God is Good Always

 During the season of Thanksgiving we naturally tend to focus on the blessings that surround us. In addition to being thankful for the many, many blessings in my life (too many to list here!), I am also thankful for the moments where God reels me in and helps me to see things in myself that need work.  Not too long ago I was having a moment of absolute frustration and disappointment in the way some of my kids were acting. I noticed a very stark difference in their behavior when things weren’t going their way and when things were looking up for them. When they are upset about something they grumble and pout and treat me like their worst enemy. But this attitude quickly dissolves into a simple, “I love you so much” when things start going their way. I have always found this to be so disheartening. It always makes me want to say, “Wow, you love me so easily when you get what you want?”

 My recent awakening was in regard to why this bothers me. It bothers me because this is how I have acted toward God at times. YIKES! It is so easy to love God when He blesses me and when I feel like things are just great, when life is going well, and everything is manageable, but so much harder to trust and love Him fully in the tough times. The truth of the matter is God is good ALWAYS! God knows what is best for me. Even while I wonder what He will reveal in the times of waiting for answers, or when I wonder why things may be the way they are in any given circumstance, I can trust that He is in control, He knows what’s best, He sees the whole picture and He will use it for good. He is my God, His plan is perfect and He is trustworthy. He is worthy and all deserving of our praise no matter what is going on in our world.  So today I am thankful for the gentle reminder that God is good all the time.

Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving~

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